Nathaniel Russell

VOID SOLUTIONS is a collection of over 70 of my silk screen prints from the past 15 years. It’s also describes a long term project I have sometimes called  PROMOTIONAL POSTERS FOR THE PRESENT MOMENT. I think about the graphic language of the poster or flier and how to advertise ideas or approaches rather than a product. 

The show includes old favorites and new images, many of which have never been exhibited together before. As I was collecting the work for this exhibition, it began to function as a rough survey of my work in the print and poster medium and I was able to see how the ideas and imagery fit together through the years. I believe in the democratic nature of the print medium, especially the silk screen, and am so grateful to have been able to send prints all over the world for people to put in their homes and live with. I’m so pleased and grateful to work with Hey There Projects and show all this work. 

Regular price $100.00
Regular price $100.00
Regular price $100.00 Sold Out
Regular price $200.00
Regular price $200.00
Regular price $100.00
Regular price $100.00
Regular price $100.00
Regular price $100.00
Regular price $200.00 Sold Out
Regular price $100.00