Jonathan Edelhuber

The Collector's Library
New works by Jonathan Edelhuber
October 14 - November 9
opening reception: Saturday, October 14, 6-9 PM

In these paintings, sculptures, and works on paper the artist continues his fascination with art history and the contemporary art world. Each work acts as a marker in the timeline of the artist's career and in art history itself. The process of adding and subtracting builds each surface revealing beautiful textures while hidden layers occasionally show themselves giving each piece a rich history of its own. Drawing heavily on those who painted before him and those currently painting around him, the artist creates something new to see and something new to think about.

Jonathan Edelhuber (b.1984) an Arkansas native, earned a B.F.A. with an emphasis on Graphic Design from Harding University. He has exhibited in Los Angeles, London, Berlin, New York and Nashville, Tennessee where he lived for many years. He currently lives in Clarksville, TN where he runs his painting and sculpting practice.

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